Sunday, November 6, 2011

CERF 2011 Synthesis Sessions Thursday Afternoon - Emerging Challenges

The synthesis session on Thursday afternoon, at the end of the conference, will discuss challenges emerging for both managers and scientists and whether and how integrated ecosystem assessment can be used to respond to them.  Attached below are some links and comments related to the topics for discussion Tuesday afternoon.

Topic 4: Baseline change – How can we account for the effects of uncontrollable change to drivers, e.g. climate change and rising sea level, in ecosystem assessments and in setting management goals?
Canadian Study Calculates Costs of Global Change to Coastal Communities - 
Gulf of Mexico Task Force Formulates Plan for Coastal Science - 
Information from EPA on Coastal Zones and Sea Level Rise -  

Topic 5: Dynamic ecosystems - How can we detect, analyze and forecast change in coastal and estuarine ecosystems?
DPSIR - Building Ecosystem Models of Everything, Including the Kitchen Sink - 
Gulf of Mexico Task Force Formulates Plan for Coastal Science -
PCAST Recommends National Ecosystem Assessments, Better Science - 
Who, What, When, Why and How of Louisiana's 2012 Coastal Master Plan -  

Topic 6: Management challenges - How do the problems that face managers in implementing ecosystem management of coasts and estuaries the regional scale affect the way that science is done?

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