Sunday, November 6, 2011

CERF 2011 Synthesis Sessions Thursday Afternoon - Emerging Challenges

The synthesis session on Thursday afternoon, at the end of the conference, will discuss challenges emerging for both managers and scientists and whether and how integrated ecosystem assessment can be used to respond to them.  Attached below are some links and comments related to the topics for discussion Tuesday afternoon.

CERF 2011 Synthesis Session Tuesday Afternoon - Present State-of-the-art

The synthesis session on Tuesday afternoon, the second day of the conference, will discuss current approaches to integrated ecosystem assessment applied to estuarine and coastal ecosystems and lessons learned in the application of estuarine and coastal science to management. Attached below are some links and comments related to the topics for discussion Tuesday afternoon.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Randy Olson et al. on Science and Politics Today

Randy Olson, Roger Pielke, and Robert Socolow writing in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists:
"Republican presidential candidate and Texas Gov. Rick Perry recently questioned the science of climate change in ways so unsupported by evidence that Glenn Kessler, the "Fact Checker" columnist at TheWashington Post, gave him a rating of "four Pinocchios." Perry's is but one scientific misstatement among many that regularly roil the US political scene. What is the proper scientific response to the political distortion -- or even outright rejection -- of science? In coming weeks, three Bulletin experts will offer authoritative and at times provocative analysis."

This post relates to Topic 6: Management challenges to be discussed during the Synthesis Sessions at CERF 2011.

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